Witchblade Recruits Marguerite Bennett and Ariela Kristantina, Brings Back Sara Pezzini

Witchblade is coming back into print, and the new volume — from writer Marguerite Bennett and artist Ariela Kristantina, will see the return of Sara Pezzini, the original bearer of the Witchblade in the comics. The characters’ creator and Top Cow founder Marc Silvestri will reportedly be working with the creative team to help shape the direction of the series. When Image first launched, many of their original titles were superhero titles (or something very much like them), which would have had a shared universe a la Marvel or DC. That idea fell away over time — perhaps inevitably, since the comics and characters are all creator-owned, so crossovers and reprint rights can get hairy. But with a number of high-profile sellouts on Spawn and Savage Dragon lately, it seems likely Witchblade is a book that has the potential to really catch the audience’s attention.

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