Vampire: The Masquerade #2 introduces Prince Samantha (“not Princess,” as lead character Cecily reminds Alejandra, the newly sired vampire that she has taken under her wing. The Prince’s presentation at the front of an issue creates an intriguing metaphor based on a painting she has crafted, using tempera paint made from egg yolk. Liquid myrrh hides what would be a stench of rot, creating a shell of beauty on the outside as a sort of glamor for what the painting truly is made of: death. It’s a brilliant touch that works in multiple ways, both alluding to a long and storied history for Prince Samantha while also giving this issue a brilliant metaphor by which to understand vampirism. The rot does permeate in this issue, As Alejandra (or Ali) is thrust into this society of high-class vampires on the brink of war while also dealing with the vicious hunger inside that takes her and Cecily on a Dexter-style hunt.