…stating that it had to warn the universe about the Doctor. This tied into a teaser Bleeding Cool ran yesterday featuring the Doctor and a beaten-up Dalek as his new companion from Doctor Who: Time Lord Victorious #1 comic book, Defender Of The Daleks, by James Godd, Jody Houser, Roberta Ingranata and Enrica Angiolini and out today from Titan Comics. Could that be the same Dalek? But there are other issues afoot. The classic-looking Daleks have called on The Doctor to help them defeat a more dangerous foe, The Hond. But there are other issues at hand, and the Time Fracture as seen in the Time Lord Victorious experience planned for London next year seems to be changing continuity rather drastically. Because The Time War, the battle between the Time Lords and the Daleks that formed the backbone for the returning TV series 15 years ago, is gone. Disappeared. Removed. Vanished.