In 1976, Jack Kirby returned to Marvel Comics and created the cosmic saga of The Eternals. Kirby imagined The Eternals as sci-fi mythology, but he never finished the story he set out to tell. The Eternals were later worked into the Marvel Universe’s cosmology, with various creators over the years putting their spins on Kirby’s pantheon. Kieron Gillen — the writer of such critically-acclaimed comics as The Wicked + The Divine, Young Avengers, and Once & Future — is the next in line. This November — in the wake of new developments with the Eternals in the pages of Avengers, and in advance of the Eternals making their big-screen debut in 2021 — Gillen will team with superstar artist Esad Ribic, known for his work on Thor: God of Thunder and Secret Wars, to chart a new course for the Eternals in the Marvel Universe.