Back in May, after being slapped around the face by the ‘Pesky Pandemic’ a few hundred times, I decided to fill the gap of lost work using what had become a successful model for me. The simple premise of Ko-Fi where those visiting your page can buy you a cyber ‘Joe’ or ‘Josephine’ if they like your content. I’d been using it as a way for parents to show their appreciation for my twice-weekly YouTube cartooning shows, and it was proving a great way to fill the hole of lost income. I’d found out that a monthly strip I was doing for Comicscene magazine wasn’t coming back anytime soon and another strip for a newspaper (The Brooklyn Red Hook-star revue) was in danger too. So, I needed another plan and fast (again, this was the theme of those crazy few months, it seems). What comic could I turn into a web series that would give me the best chance to fill that lost revenue? Well, there was only one that potentially had ‘sure-fire’ written all over it… The All-New Adventures Of Magnum P.I.

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