Since its debut in 2019, The Mandalorian has redefined Star Wars live-action stories. Beyond the obvious, being the first live-action Star Wars television series, it peeled the franchise’s focus away from Jedi and the galactic politics and instead turned it towards those living on society’s fringes sometimes unduly affected by those galactic struggles. The series occurs after the events of Return of the Jedi, after the Galactic Empire’s fall, but before the New Republic has solidified its power base, especially in places like the Outer Rim. Focusing on a bounty hunter allows for more grounded, gritty, and morally complicated storytelling. And it stars a Mandalorian, built in the mold of Boba Fett, who recently showed up on the show. And as it turns out, much like how The Rise of Skywalker mimics the broad strokes of the Dark Empire trilogy, The Mandalorian was preceded by similar Star Wars comics. Those comics are a trilogy of Boba Fett tales by John Wagner and Cam Kennedy.

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