So with this week’s installment, I’m going to try something completely different for the next few weeks, as I’m now going to give reviewing mainstream comics a little break (Sorry, Marvel and DC) and just straight-up review any indy comic that I own or if someone wants to recommend one for me, so with that in mind, this week I’ll kick it off with “Li’l Depressed Boy # 1” from Image Comics.
This series start off with Li’l Depressed Boy (Or “LDB” for short) wanting a change in his life as he decides to get out of his apartment in search of finding happiness so that he won’t slip back into his routine of self-seclusion and being lonely, enter a woman named Jazmin (“Jazz” for short) who LDB meets and It doesn’t take long for the two of them to paint the town red by going to a concert and hitting up a diner but with that, the creative team of S. Steven Struble and Sina Grace brings with them a bucket of charm and innocence to this series as it really is in the vein of “(500) Days Of Summer”; Plus the story flows with ease, making sure the readers enjoy every minute of LDB’s moment of happiness.
From Struble’s witty and engaging script to the outstanding artwork by Sina Grace, LDB is a comic that will really put a smile on your face while this title shows us that this is the comic that everyone can relate to when to comes to breaking out of our comfort zone and go looking for something new to bring joy to our lives. This first issue did such a wonderful job of setting the tone for LDB’s adventures; After you get done reading this series, you’ll find yourselves in the same boat as me in terms of asking yourself “Isn’t there a Li’l Depressed Boy in all of us?!” because to me, LDB is just the perfect character to remind all of us of how beautiful life is.
Welp, that’s it for me this week. I’ll be back with another review so thanks for sticking around and I will see you all next time.