If the name Linda McMahon sounds familiar to you, that’s because Linda is the wife of WWE Chairman and CEO Vince McMahon. Linda used to help run WWE but left in the last two decades in an attempt to run for Congress.

That failed, twice, but McMahon found another way to get a political career started. She and her husband became major supporters of Trump, whose association with WWE dates back to WrestleMania 4 and 5, which were held at his now-bankrupt Atlantic City casino, Trump Plaza.

Trump has also featured in on-screen roles in WWE including as part of the main event of WrestleMania 23, and is today a WWE Hall-of-Famer, the first WWE Hall-of-Famer to become president of the United States. And he did that, along with money donated by Marvel’s Ike Perlmutter, with money donated by the McMahon family.

Ike Perlmutter and Laura Perlmutter are also longtime friends and associates of Donald Trump, frequenters of his Mar-a-Lago club in Florida known to dine with him on Thanksgiving. Ike Perlmutter was even accused, by members of Congress, of secretly controlling the Department of Veteran’s affairs along with a few other Palm Beach buddies of President Trump. Ike Perlmutter is such big proponent of Donald Trump that after avoiding having any public photos of him taken for 35 years, as soon as Trump was elected, Perlmutter began appearing in public at campaign rallies, bill signings, and even departing Air Force One.

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