If Anything Happens I Love You Ending Explained [SPOILER!]

SPOILER ALERT: the following article contains massive spoilers, including the ending. If you have not yet seen the movie, proceed at your own risk, or better, come back to this article later!

In the aftermath of tragedy, two grieving parents journey through an emotional void as they mourn the loss of a child.


If Anything Happens I Love You Plot Summary and Synopsis

Two parents begin to grow separated from one another following the death of their pre-teenage daughter. Though they refuse to speak to one another in person, both parents are watched over by shadows expressing their true emotions. While the father goes outside, the mother thinks about entering her daughter’s old bedroom, though she stops herself due to overpowering grief and sadness.

While doing laundry, the mother begins to cry after realizing she has washed her daughter’s shirt. She sits near the washing machine, causing a soccer ball to fall down and open her daughter’s bedroom, which also rolls onto a record player, playing the song “1950”. The mother decides to enter the room, where she later reunites with her husband. While “1950” continues to play in the background, a shadow representing their daughter pops out of the record player, and the parents begin to remember events in their daughter’s life.

In a series of flashbacks, the parents see their daughter grow up: growing a love for soccer, celebrating her 10th birthday, and experiencing her first kiss. In the final flashback, the daughter leaves her parents to attend school. Knowing what’s about to happen, the shadows of the parents attempt to stop her from entering the premises, but, this being a memory, they fail. Inside the school, the daughter is shot and killed during a school shooting, with her final text to her parents being “If anything happens I love you”.

As the shadows of the parents grow apart, the shadow of the daughter brings them together, forcing the real parents to see the good memories they were able to experience with their daughter when she was alive.

The Ending

In the present, the parents hug, and the daughter’s shadow becomes a bright light in between the shadows of her grieving parents.

Source: Wikipedia (CC BY-SA 3.0).

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