Getting it Together #2 will entertain readers who enjoyed the first issue while not doing much to convince people who didn’t outright love it from the start. Jack, brother of Lauren and best friend of Sam, is the shining star of this book. His dating life as he navigates Tinder, attempting to find a good match, is far and away from the most interesting storyline, and the pages spent on him in the main tale, as well as the bonus comic, make for great reading. The storylines focusing on Sam and Lauren’s broken relationship and Lauren’s band drama, though, are not on the same level of storytelling. There is a lack of stakes for both of these storylines because of the little development we’ve seen for Lauren. We don’t understand why Sam is hanging out with Lauren after they’ve broken up. We don’t understand why the band puts up with Lauren’s drama. Lauren reads, in the last issue and this issue, as an entitled, violent, belligerent sociopath in every situation she’s in.