Funny Face Ending Explained [SPOILER!]

SPOILER ALERT: the following article contains massive spoilers, including the ending. If you have not yet seen the movie, proceed at your own risk, or better, come back to this article later!


Funny Face Plot Summary and Synopsis

Origin Story. A young Muslim woman runs away from her aunt and uncle’s house desperate for a new life, but quickly finds that she must survive on the street. A disturbed young man from Coney Island dons the menacing “Funny Face” mask, transforming himself into a makeshift superhero with a rage disorder as he seeks revenge on the Real Estate Developer of a soulless high rise that has displaced his grandparents. Misfit avengers in a changing city, the two embark on a neighborhood odyssey that brings danger, love, and tragedy. And pickles.

Source: Wikipedia (CC BY-SA 3.0).

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