On Tuesday, Marvel Comics released a new trailer for Eternals, the upcoming series from writer Kieron Gillen and artist Esad Ribic. The trailer reminds viewers of the Eternals’ stated mission, to defend the Earth from the Deviants, only to then hint that the Eternals are not what they’ve always believed themselves to be. “For millions of years, one hundred Eternals have roamed the Earth, secret protectors of humanity,” Marvel’s solicitation for Eternals #1 reads. “Without them, we’d be smears between the teeth of the demon-like Deviants. Their war has waged for all time, echoing in our myths and nightmares. But today, Eternals face something new: change. Can they — or anyone — survive their discovery?” Marvel originally solicited the series for release this fall, but later delayed Eternals #1 into January 2021.

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