SPOILER ALERT: the following article contains massive spoilers, including the ending. If you have not yet seen the movie, proceed at your own risk, or better, come back to this article later!

A quiet loner (Nicolas Cage) finds himself stranded in a remote town when his car breaks down. Unable to pay for the repairs he needs, he agrees to spend the night cleaning Willy’s Wonderland, an abandoned family fun center. But this wonderland has a dark secret that this “Janitor” is about to discover. He soon finds himself locked in an epic battle with possessed animatronic mascots that roam the halls. To survive, he must fight his way through each of them.


Willy’s Wonderland Plot Summary

A quiet drifter ends up stranded in remote Hayesville, Nevada, when his vehicle breaks down after running over a spike strip. He is picked up by mechanic Jed Love, who takes him to Willy’s Wonderland, a once-successful abandoned family entertainment center. Owner Tex Macadoo offers him work as a night-shift janitor in exchange for repairing his vehicle. Meanwhile, teenager Liv Hawthorne is handcuffed by her caretaker and Hayesville’s sheriff Eloise Lund due to her previous attempts to set the place on fire. When Lund leaves, Liv’s friends, Chris Muley, Kathy Barnes, Aaron Powers, Bob McDaniel, and Dan Lorraine, come and release her.

While the Janitor begins his cleaning duties, Tex and Jed leave until the next morning, but not before leaving him locked in the building. The restaurant’s now-withered eight animatronic mascots — Willy Weasel, Arty Alligator, Cammy Chameleon, Ozzie Ostrich, Tito Turtle, Knighty Knight, Gus Gorilla, and Siren Sara — are revealed to be alive and aggressive. Ozzie Ostrich attacks the Janitor, who beats Ozzie to death with a mop. Meanwhile, Liv and her friends arrive at Willy’s Wonderland, dousing the perimeter with gasoline until Liv decides to enter through the vents to get the Janitor out. Inside, the Janitor is attacked by Gus Gorilla in the restrooms; he kills Gus by curb stomping his face into a urinal. In the vents, Liv is chased by Arty Alligator but she escapes into a fairy-themed room where Siren Sara attacks her.

Liv manages to fend off Sara and encounters the Janitor, who ignores Liv’s warnings about the animatronics and refuses to leave the building. Outside, the teens climb the roof, which collapses, causing them to fall into the building. While the Janitor cleans the kitchen, Liv explains to him that Willy’s Wonderland was originally owned by Jerry Robert Willis, a notorious serial killer, and his psychotic cannibalistic partners, who often murdered unsuspecting families for pleasure. Eventually discovered by the police, they committed a satanic ritual to transfer their souls into the animatronic characters. When she finishes, several animatronics come to life and start attacking the group.

In the ensuing chaos, Knighty Knight impales Aaron with a sword, Siren Sara and Tito Turtle pursue and devour Dan, and Arty Alligator mauls Kathy and Bob to death. The Janitor manages to kill both Knighty and Arty with Liv’s help. Stalked by Cammy Chameleon in an arcade, Chris calls Sheriff Lund for help; she goes there with deputy Evan Olson upon finding out that Liv is in the restaurant. On the way, Lund reveals to Evan that after Willy’s Wonderland was shut down, the animatronics continued murdering people around Hayesville until she, Tex and Jed made a deal with them. Over the years, they tricked stranded drifters into cleaning up the place, offering them as sacrifices to the animatronics in order to stop their killing spree. Liv’s parents were among the victims and a guilty Sheriff Lund adopted her.

When the Janitor and Liv arrive at the arcade, Cammy snaps Chris’ neck, killing him. The Janitor and Liv subdue Cammy and attempt to leave the restaurant, only to be stopped by Sheriff Lund and Evan. Lund handcuffs the Janitor and leaves him to die as Evan takes Liv away. While driving, Evan is attacked and killed by a stowaway Tito as Liv escapes. Back at the restaurant, the Janitor kills Cammy and subdue Sara. Enraged, Sheriff Lund tries to lure Willy Weasel to kill the Janitor, only for Willy to come to life and tear her in half. Willy and the Janitor fight each other until the Janitor overpowers and rips Willy’s head off, killing him.

Willy’s Wonderland Ending

The next morning, Tex and Jed return to the building and find it completely clean, with the animatronics destroyed. The Janitor receives his repaired vehicle and invites Liv to accompany him. While Tex and Jed discuss planning to reopen Willy’s Wonderland, Siren Sara suddenly appears and sets their car on fire with gasoline. All three are killed in a massive explosion that also destroys the entire restaurant. As the sun rises, the Janitor and Liv drive out of the town, running into and killing a wandering Tito Turtle along the way.

Source: Wikipedia (CC BY-SA 3.0).

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