So hasn’t himself from “Fifty Shades of Grey” gone all forty shades of green in the new fillum, “Wild Mountain Thyme,” named for the haunting ballad that we Irish are taught at the teat, and apt to burst into once we’ve a bellyful of stout in us. Mind you, the song is maybe more Scottish really but don’t be worrying; we get mixed up between Ireland and Scotland ourselves most days, never knowing if we’re to wake up in Dingle or Dundee and not much minding one way or the other cause aren’t there cows to be feeding, donkeys to be proposing to and a lot of things to be falling off, walls and rowboats and high horses and the like. Anyway, this new fillum (which you’d want to remind yourself is a fillum and not a documentary, so perfectly does it capture the pure magical craic of living on the Emerald Isle) is fierce romantic, which is hardly to be wondered at, sure isn’t it adapted by yer man John Patrick Shanley from his own play “Outside Mullingar” and as any decent Irish person knows, there’s literally no place on God’s green earth with more of the ring of romance to it than …Mullingar.

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