So let’s get to the basics first. If you are a fan of the show, this is basically the biggest mental slice of chocolate cake you’ll ever get. Shy of Matthew Mercer reading a book of lore to you. You are given what is essentially a tour guide to the continent of Wildemount. This includes both the major ruling bodies, the factions, the important locations, items out at sea, cities of defined greatness, wastelands, horrifying settings, and every other environment you could possibly encounter at all four corners. As you can see from the map below, there’s a lot of territories to explore. However, and we must be clear about this in case the title didn’t tip you off, its only focus is on Wildemount as this is where the current campaign setting is. If you want the first one and those ever precious names on the Tal’Dorei Council, you’ll need to see out their first independently published book, Critical Role: Tal’Dorei Campaign Setting.

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