SPOILER ALERT: the following article contains massive spoilers, including the ending. If you have not yet seen the movie, proceed at your own risk, or better, come back to this article later!


Those Who Walk Away Plot Summary and Synopsis

After Max and Avery meet on a social media app for a first date, their evening takes a perilous turn when they end up at a local haunted house, the home of ‘Rotcreep’, a sinister creature that rots your body and soul with one touch. As the night turns into a deadly game of cat and mouse, Max and Avery begin to realize the trauma they share may either save them or erupt into an unforgettable nightmare. Written and directed by Robert Rippberger, THOSE WHO WALK AWAY is loosely inspired by the Ursula Le Guin short story “The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas”. Filmed in a series of long continuous takes, Rippberger perfectly captures the eerie and bloodcurdling moral predicament of living high while others suffer.

Source: Wikipedia (CC BY-SA 3.0).

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