It’s quaint under our current circumstances to think that in the 1970s, the growing acceptance and use of cannabis were considered by conservative politicians as a “pandemic.” That’s at least the word used by John Bradow (Derek McGrath), a stand-in for former Ontario premier John Robarts, as he tries to slow down Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau’s efforts to decriminalize weed decades before it was cool. The result, as detailed in the based on a true story drama “The Marijuana Conspiracy,” saw Bradow throw money at a study he was certain would confirm his belief about the deleterious effects of weed. When it became clear that results wouldn’t go his way, funding was yanked, and the women who endured three months of seriously dubious experimentation never saw the outcome of the clinical investigation that, for some of them, created long-term wounds. If there is outrage to be felt, it doesn’t resonate in this film which renders that injustice prosaic, and never achieves a buzz higher than an after-school special.

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