Millie may be the main protagonist, but she’s flanked by her two best friends Josh (Misha Osherovich) and Nyla (Celeste O’Connor), with just as much presence and personality as any Final Girl. Once the swap happens, they’re the first Millie seeks out for aid, leading to many hilarious hijinks. Vaughn and Newton have an absolute blast with the conceit, stretching their comedic chops playing each other. Vaughn playing a young teen girl, going ham on the feminine mannerisms, threatens to steal the show. However, Newton gives a fantastic psychotic edge as the Butcher trapped in a young woman’s body. Watching her give comeuppance to all the sexual harassers is wholly satisfying. That’s saying a lot, considering she has the much more challenging job of the pair trying to keep her cover. Vaughn can cut loose for humor’s sake, while Newton’s task requires restraint.

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