Without all the doctored footage, the finale would be much shorter. Does the VR gimmick warrant the additional time? The artifice isn’t perfect and sometimes it goes on longer than absolutely necessary, yet the device makes the episode stand out from others. Admittedly, however, “Night of the Living Late Show” is too front-loaded. Renee’s emotional response to Simon’s behavior, the fleshier dialogue, the marital conflict and drama — you feel like you’re in for something else, something formidable. The route taken isn’t offensive, but it is more trivial than initially let on. Overall, there is just too much going on here for such a simple story. Had it relied less on the mended footage, kept the tone and quality of the first half, and provided some genuinely satisfying moments between the main characters beyond the midpoint, “Night of the Living Late Show” could have been a more considerable way to top off the season.

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