When sponsors of right-wing grievance politics piss their britches over “cancel culture,” a term applied so broadly that it lacks any substantive meaning, they’re always talking about society slamming the door shut on arcane, draconian mores engineered to inflict harm on marginalized people and maintain a status quo benefitting the few over the many. It’s called “white supremacist patriarchy.” So when dimwits and scumbags like Ted Cruz, Kevin McCarthy, Ben Shapiro, and Stephen L. Miller flip out over, say, Mr. Potato Head going (sort of) gender neutral, or Gina Carano getting canned by Disney for spreading antisemitism, or Dr. Seuss Enterprises opting to no longer print a handful of the author’s books on account of racism, they’re flipping out over the loss of their right to bigotry and ignorance. They don’t know what being canceled actually means.

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