SPOILER ALERT: the following article contains massive spoilers, including the ending. If you have not yet seen the movie, proceed at your own risk, or better, come back to this article later!

Escape Room: Tournament of Champions is the sequel to the box office hit psychological thriller that terrified audiences around the world. In this installment, six people unwittingly find themselves locked in another series of escape rooms, slowly uncovering what they have in common to survive… and discovering they’ve all played the game before.


Escape Room: Tournament of Champions Video Summary

Escape Room: Tournament of Champions Ending Explained (Spoilers)

Escape Room: Tournament of Champions Plot Summary and Synopsis

The movie begins with a summary of the previous installment.

Zoey is at a psychologist appointment – she tells the psychologist about the events of the first movie, but she doesn’t believe Zoey. She says that Zoey considers herself being in-game and think of everything as the key, including the objects the psychologist shows her such as a pen, a bag, and a book titled ‘Free will’.

It is revealed that she tried to fly to New York City three times but decided not to at the last moment. The psychologist asks her what it would take to get her on the plane. Zoey answers that she will board only if she knows that criminals behind the rooms are held accountable for what they did.

Ben and Zoey decide to drive to NYC instead. They stay at a motel on the way.

In NYC they go to the building, but it is locked and abandoned. They trespass to the territory. A burglar steals Zoey’s bag and runs into the subway. Ben and Zoey end up on the subway train. She says that the burglar stole her mother’s compass.

Zoey looks around – there are four more people besides them, two males and two females. She goes to the conductor cabin, which is empty. Next moment their subway car disconnects from the train and goes on its own into an abandoned tunnel. It crashes at the dead end.

All other passengers are also Minos’s game survivals.

The car is electrified, and the group cannot touch any metallic object without being hurt. They find a door handle in the bag under the seat to open the conductor cabin.

To get out the group needs to collect the tokens hidden in the handles. One of the passengers, Derek, is electrified to death. Others successfully solve the puzzle and get out of the car only to end up in the elevator moving down.

They enter the bank hall with opened vault door which is the only way out which is to be closed in 9 minutes. The deadly green lasers are activated lightly hurting Brianna. The group takes her out, but lasers are on the way to the vault door. Nathan finds a key inside the lollipop, Brianna finds another. The group uses them to open the box by the counter desk with the name Sonya.

They find the code 0526 to enter at the ATM which gives them the hint on how to avoid activating lasers on their way to the vault. They make it to the last second.

The group is in the collapsing cave. The escape to the fake seashore. They find an anchor in the sand with a metal detector. The sand turns into quicksand. Rachel is drowned, but Nathan goes after her and drags her out. His is drowned in the quicksand instead of her.

The remaining group opens the door with the anchor. Ben finds a key in the mannequin’s eyes to open the fridge which is a way out. Zoey finds another way in the lighthouse. Brianna goes into the fridge. Ben drowns in the sand. Zoey and Rachel get out via lighthouse on the busy street.

Brianna appears and the busy street turns out to be another escape room. They have 1 minute before acid sprays all over the place. Rachel tells she doesn’t feel pain.

Zoey solves the puzzle and is safe in the taxi. Rachel and Brianna decide not to hide, and both die in the acid rain.

Zoey finds herself in the children’s room. A door opens and Amanda falls into the room. She didn’t die last time; it was a hologram. Amanda explains that she helped them as she didn’t have a choice. She also says that if she didn’t see something, it didn’t happen.

Ben appears locked in the glass cell on the other side of the room. Amanda says they won’t hurt him as if Zoey agrees to become the next Puzzle Maker. She insists that Zoey has to agree because she has no choice as didn’t Amanda. Zoey declines.

Ben’s cell is flooding. Zoey sets the room on fire with gas, glass breaks, and frees Ben. Amanda helps every one to get out.

The trio successfully escapes.

A news reporter informs that leaders of Minas criminal group are arrested. The special agent returns Zoey her mother’s compass.

Zoey and Ben are in the aircraft flying back home. Zoey asks Ben if he thinks everything was too easy for them. Ben doesn’t believe the police station was another room and assured her that it’s over.

Escape Room: Tournament of Champions Ending

Zoey goes to the bathroom and notices the clues psychologist showed at the beginning of the movie: the pen, the bag, and the book.

It is revealed that the plane is under the control of the Puzzle Maker.

The Ending Explained

The whole movie and four deaths (though unconfirmed, as all of them may easily be alive) were conducted just to make the protagonist board the plane, nothing else.

Cooncel Rating

A dull plot, plain characters, boring action and quite obvious plot twists ruin everything which might make this bleak copy of Saw at least bearable.

Rating: 1.5 out of 5.

Source: © Cooncel.com.

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