Apex Legends Season 6 Is Bringing Changes To The World’s End Map
Season 6 of Apex Legends is on its way, and with it come some new changes to the map. According to Apex’s Design Director Jason McCord, these changes are meant…
Movie Spoilers, Trailers, Show News, Video Game Reviews
Season 6 of Apex Legends is on its way, and with it come some new changes to the map. According to Apex’s Design Director Jason McCord, these changes are meant…
Check out the first 16 minutes of the early access build of Rogue Legacy 2, covering the prologue/tutorial, and a full run.
Gamers who are thinking of getting back into World of Warcraft later this year have a big decision to make between Shadowlands and Classic.
While Cyberpunk 2077 will likely be many’s game-of-the-year pick this fall, one aspect from the game’s previews has been universally criticized.
Unless you are a hardcore fan of flight simulators, you probably don’t have a flight stick at your desk. There was a time when flight sticks, or more generic “joysticks,”…
With four players, you’ll be able to take on wave-based Survival missions, fighting groups of the toughest enemies Tsushima has to offer, Including new Oni enemies with supernatural abilities.
With the Rainbow Six Siege Shadow Legacy release date fast approaching, we’ve been getting an idea of what’s headed to the FPS game’s live servers very soon. Aside from hearing…
Niantic does best when they under-promise and over-deliver. The Ultra Unlock is a terrific example of this. The first part of the event, Dragon Week, debuted Shiny Deino while mentioning…
The hits keep coming with the repeated delays of upcoming genre titles, as Hardsuit Labs and Paradox Interactive have announced that Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 has been delayed…
Jaw Drop Games’ Kickstarter campaign for their Dino Crisis-eque Deathground, which we already knew had met their funding goal, has finished up with just over £118k in pledged funds. This…