SPOILER ALERT: the following article contains massive spoilers, including the ending. If you have not yet seen the movie, proceed at your own risk, or better, come back to this article later!

Two East German families try to escape to the West in a hot-air balloon in 1979.


Ballon Plot Summary and Synopsis

The film is set in Pößneck, Thuringia, in the summer of 1979.

The Strelzyk and Wetzel families develop a daring plan to flee the GDR to the West in a self-made hot air balloon. About to attempt an escape in perfect wind conditions, Günter Wetzel decides it is too dangerous. He thinks the balloon is too small for eight people, and his wife Petra is afraid for their two children.

Therefore, they stop trying to escape for a short time. Doris and Peter Strelzyk now want to dare to escape alone with their two sons.

Son Frank has fallen in love with Klara Baumann, the daughter of his neighbor Erik, who works for the Stasi, and writes her a farewell letter.

At night, the Strelzyk family packs the balloon and other accessories in their trailer, drives into the forest and takes off. Hidden in the clouds, they cannot be seen by the border guards.

However, the balloon goes down with Doris, Peter and their two sons Frank and Andreas “Fitscher” in the gondola shortly before the border, because the pipes from the gas bottles to the burner freeze up and become clogged. None of the four is injured, they get back to their car and destroy all evidence. Frank just manages to retrieve the letter to Klara.

The Stasi finds the abandoned balloon and discovers the attempted escape and, under the direction of Lieutenant Colonel Seidel, begins a large investigation. He interrogates the border guards who were on duty at the time of the attempt to escape and accuses them of not taking their task seriously enough.

The investigators narrow down the radius in which the balloon must have started, and thus also the circle of suspects.

For the next few weeks, both families live in constant fear that the Stasi might link them to the attempted escape. Doris in particular is worried because she lost her medication in the forest, which gave the Stasi important information in the form of personalised pills. Peter really wants to try again.

Before that, however, they travel to Berlin, where they hope to be able to get out of the country with the help of the East Berlin US Embassy, ​​but this attempt fails. Peter is able to convince Günter to make another balloon attempt to escape. Since they must be careful in obtaining the materials to avoid raising suspicion, the family members only buy small quantities of suitable fabric in different cities. Günter sits at the sewing machine every night to join the pieces of fabric.

Meanwhile, Lieutenant Colonel Seidel, the leader of the military investigation, is fast putting together all the clues tying the family to the escape. At all costs he must prevent the GDR from being embarrassed by a successful escape attempt.

As feared by Doris, the investigators trace their medication back to the local pharmacy, where now all recipients of the tablets are being identified and checked. The Stasi publishes photos in the press of objects that the Strelzyks had to leave behind at the landing site of their first attempt.

Günter has to move the sewing work to the Strelzyks’ cellar because his neighbors have become aware of the constant running noise of the sewing machine. When Frank realizes that Klara’s father Erik has to go to the pharmacy because someone is wanted, and that the wind is blowing to the north, the prerequisite for their escape, they want to make the second attempt that same night. When the Stasi employees work out their identities and break into their house, the families are already on their way to the starting point.

The start is not as perfect this time as on their first attempt and when the gas runs out they have to land in a forest after half an hour’s flight. At first it is not clear whether they have successfully crossed the border. Peter and Günter then explore the area and meet one Bavarian police patrol car. When the police tell them that they are in Upper Franconia, the families react joyfully. Lieutenant Colonel Seidel and his superior must explain themselves to Erich Mielke, and Erik Baumann is interrogated by the Stasi.

Ballon Ending

Ten years later, Doris and Peter Strelzyk watch Hans-Dietrich Genscher’s announcement from the Prague embassy on television that the GDR citizens gathered there are allowed to leave.

Source: Wikipedia (CC BY-SA 3.0).

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